At Gentologie we’re always looking to improve, so if you have any questions, comments or just want to drop us an email, we’d love to hear from you. To contact us, please fill the forms below:

General Informations

Please do not add us to your email list right away. Take a time to read our website and its content.

If you have an offer, opportunity, or introduction that might make Gentologie more interesting, e-mail us at info [at] gentologie . com. For the reasons stated above, we will only respond to those proposals that are a good match for our schedule and interests.

info [@] gentologie . com


Normand Boulanger

President, Gentologie Media Group inc.
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Gentologie magazine and website.

Please do not add me to your email lists.

If you have an offer, opportunity, or introduction that might make Gentologie more interesting, e-mail us at normand.boulanger [@] gentologie . com.

For the reasons stated above, I will only respond to those proposals that are a good match for my values and interests.