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Coming Soon: First Season of Gentologie on Air, a podcast by Gentologie

Gentologie On Air Podcast

Coming soon, the first season of Gentologie On Air, a brand-new podcast in English only by Gentologie, the lifestyle for gentlemen (we already have a french one and another one is coming soon, you can find our podcasts in French here).

What will be in Gentologie on Air?

Gentologie On Air Podcast

On the menu, conversations with personalities for whom the gentlemanly side is a necessity. CEOs, enthusiasts, artists, in other words, people that will certainly impress you.

Who will be the host?

Hosted by Normand Boulanger, president and publisher of Gentologie, Gentologie On Air is coming to you every month, starting this October.

Any clues on the guests of the First Season of Gentologie on Air?

Every month, a new gentlemen will be with us.

  • October (To be online on October 12): R.T. Custer from Vortic Watches Company and Colorado Watch Company
  • November
  • December
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June

Stay tuned for the first season by listening the trailer below. Episodes will be added ther.

Founder & Editor In Chief of Gentologie

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