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Here is the The Gentologie Magazine Issue 3

Cover Magazine - Gentologie Winter 2020 Hiver 2020 EN

Our 3rd issue is now online. Here is the Gentologie Magazine Issue 3.

2020 will be a year full of challenges. Nothing less. A year that does not necessarily promise to be easy, but certainly fascinating.

The evolution of magazines in 2020

Being in the media world in 2020 is certainly one of the jobs most at risk. We only have to think of the recent rescue of Groupe Capitales Médias or the loan request from Ricardo Média to continue its transition to digital.

Since the beginnings of the Gentologie brand, I have had nothing but compliments: that our name is magnificent, that it clearly indicates who its target is, etc. I am very happy with all these praises, on the other hand, I must make the Gentologie brand as a whole more known: the website, its events, its guides, and the different projects that will emerge before us. You are our allies in this fight.

What’s in the Gentologie Magazine Issue 3?

Chef Joris Larigaldie - Pasta

Credit: Tbsp. restaurant

In the 145 pages of the Gentologie Magazine Issue 3, there is, once again, an incredible range of topics. Here are some of them.

  • Na’eem Adam from People Mover Tech
  • Interview with Dany Bolduc from H4C par Dany Bolduc
  • The Tbsp.restaurant of Chef Joris Larigaldie at W Montréal
  • Drink Better with Sarah Parniak from Seedlip
  • The Porsche Ice Experience
  • The Clusier winter looks by  Pierre-Benoit Duhamel
  • The new Uville hotel by Michael Koopmann
  • Grégory Faye Favorite Top Spots in Paris
  • The Virginia and the Route 66 by Marc Bouchard
  • And many more…

A new graphic grid for the Gentologie Magazine Issue 3


Gentologie Winter 2020 - Horizon

While we are still looking to improve our magnificent magazine, you will notice that this transition to 2020 is accompanied by a small overhaul of our graphic grid more in our strings and which will make your reading easier. Easier benchmarks, more images, better divided text, in short than improvements.

Happy new year 2020 and a wonderful winter everyone!

Buy the Gentologie Magazine Issue 3 magazine now


Gentologie is a lifestyle platform for Gentlemen. We have a website, a magazine and organize events.

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