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Jérôme Ferrer Fish n ‘Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale

While it’s summer, we like to believe we’re in the heart of London (as I did at the Tate Modern Museum) eating a Fish n ‘Chips, to fill This lack, here is the recipe for Jérôme Ferrer Fish n ‘Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale.

Jérôme Ferrer Fish n ‘Chips with Goose Island : The beer!

Jérôme Ferrer Fish n 'Chips with Goose Island - Honkers Ale Beer

Photo: Goose Island

First of all before talking about the recipe, I’ll tell you about the beer, the Honkers Ale from Goose Island, which you can find in several grocery stores. For my part I received it from Goose Island.

Organoleptic Profile

  • Appearance: Golden Sunset Tint
  • Aroma: Fruity Hops Flavor
  • Taste / Flavor: Rich malt flavor
  • Finale: Subtle and pleasant bitterness


  • Malt: 2 rows, caramel, wheat, grilled barley,
  • Hop: pilgrim, styrian, golding celeia

Pairing Beer-Food

  • Meat: Beef Burgers
  • Cheese: Camembert, Cheddar
  • Fish: Fish-Chips (Which Chance;))


  • Glass: Serve in a 1-quart glass

Technical data

  • ABV: 4,3%
  • IBU: 30

Before the Fish n ‘Chips, the Whelks!

Jérôme Ferrer Fish n 'Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale - Whelks

Jérôme Ferrer Fish n ‘Chips with Goose Island

Jérôme Ferrer Fish n 'Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale - 4


Preparation time: 25 min

Cooking time: 10 min

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Ingredients for 4 to 6 people

Here is the recipe. I do not know if Jérôme Ferrer would be proud of me;)

Jérôme Ferrer Fish n 'Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale - 1

  • 1 cod fillet of about 1.2kg (be sure to have a nice brown cod and ask your fishmonger to remove the bones) I took mine at the Shamrock fish market near the Jean Talon Market)
  • 1 ½ cup flour
  • 1 cup Goose Island Honkers Ale Beer
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 6 large potatoes
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 tray of salad mesclun (I took the Mache and the Aragula)
  • 2 yellow lemons, sliced
  • 1 olive oil fillet
  • Salt and pepper

Preparation :

  1. In a mixing bowl, place flour, starch and baking powder. Mix and pour Honkers Ale beer from Goose Island as you go along to make a homogeneous paste. Keep it in the fridge (about 30 minutes). If the mixture is too thick, add some beer in it.
  2. Cut small cod stalks and dip them into the dough. Heat the vegetable oil and cook the fish and chips. When staining, remove and place on absorbent paper.Jérôme Ferrer Fish n 'Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale - 2
  3. Cut the potatoes into fries and cook them in vegetable oil.
  4. Serve the fish and chips in a paper cone with a bask of French fries and a small mesclun flavored with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper and a few lemon slices.

* Try as much as possible and for safety to take a deep fryer, otherwise you really need to put a bottom of oil in your pan and stay close constantly!

Serve hot!

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Jérôme Ferrer Fish n 'Chips with Goose Island Honkers Ale - 9

Discover the beers of Goose Island on their website


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