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John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Suite John and Yoko Cover

As we always want to step in the more luxury hotel rooms of the world, why not treat yourself to THE Montreal’s most famous hotel room during your next vacation or staycation here. The John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth was reopened to the public in September 2017. In 2024, the Bed-In celebrates its 55th anniversary! To mark the occasion, the hotel is offering tours and special room rates.

The John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth

The 1742 Suite is really beautiful. We feel as soon as we cross the door that we enter history, a past that has transformed generations and is still current today. The concept, developed by Sid Lee Architecture, which also redesigned the architecture of  Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth Hotel, was designed to redesign the room to match repositioning the furniture that John and Yoko had done at the time of the Bed-in, including placing the bed against the window to clear the central space. It must be said that the 1742 Suite had undergone tremendous transformations over the past 48 years, removing the original character of the suite. Instead of recreating the decor of the hotel of the time, which was good at the time but a little outdated today, the design is inspired rather places visited or inhabited by John and Yoko, including London, New York, Tokyo and Delhi.

Do not forget that the historic character of Suite 1742, where John Lennon and Yoko Ono settled during their second Bed-in in 1969, where the famous song “Give Peace A Chance” was composed, was one of the most Important elements of the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth’s transformation work carried out from 2016 to 2017 by its owner, Ivanhoé Cambridge.

Give Peace A Chance from wall to wall

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Give Peace a Chance Wall

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

Also, in the works inspired by the famous handwritten notes Hair Peace and Bed Peace (as you can see in the photo above) are present on the window of the suite, while the chorus of the song Give Peace a Chance, recorded by the famous couple in the 1742 suite, is engraved repeatedly on the walls, in the manner of war memorials, the names of the victims having been replaced by a wish for peace. Touching these words gives a totally immersive sense to the room, it is beautiful in this year filled with violence to find ourselves in a space where we see only peace.

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Drawers Wall

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

Suite-John-et-Yoko- Drawers closer

Photograph: Normand Boulanger | Gentologie

One of the special features of the suite is the integration of artworks, interactive objects and multimedia installations, conceptualized and produced by MASSIVart, among others, a piece of furniture. archives (above) containing photos and videos, in addition to historical objects such as a vinyl record of the song Give Peace a Chance and and an interview with Gilles Gougeon (in french), the only journalist who was able to interview the famous couple, because Radio-Québec (now Télé-Québec) had an educational mission as we learn La Presse (in french), in the room just before the Bed-In. I do not know about you, but I have never seen a room with multimedia facilities, it’s pretty amazing, because the room is more than a room, it’s an experience. An experience you want to live.

Suite-John-et-Yoko- Marie-Julie-Gagnon

Marie-Julie Gagnon of Taxi-Brousse (in french) test the immersive experience of the 1742 Suite, known as the John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth.
Photograph: Normand Boulanger

Virtual reality headphones, placed on each side of the bed, bring to life the unique intensity of the Bed-in’s universe of the John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, transposing visitors to the points respective views of John and Yoko, providing an exclusive and immersive experience. I must admit that this experience is simply beautiful. It brings us tears, the whole thing is really well constructed and enjoyable, it was the first time that I lived a virtual reality experience as well done and moving. Want to know more about Marie-Julie Gagnon’s experience in the John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth? It’s here (in french).

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Recorder

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

Reflections on the visit of the 1742 Suite

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Guitar

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

It really gave me special feelings to visit this room which saw two of the greatest artists of the 20th century gathered to celebrate peace, and in Montreal. It’s very special to be one of the few people to have had the chance to visit this room, and to be where John Lennon set foot. It is during invitations like this that one realizes the chance to do this job.

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - John Yoko Tea

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Bath 1742

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth - Flowers

Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth / Ivanhoé Cambridge

Novelties for the 55th anniversary of Bed-In

To celebrate the 55th anniversary of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s iconic 1969 Bed-In for Peace, The Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth is offering a series of guided tours, organized by Mélanie Renaud, owner of Carpe Diem Montreal Tours. Participants will have the unique opportunity to explore the hotel’s art collection, as well as the interior of the famous Suite 1742, renowned for hosting the Bed-in for Peace. A portion of the funds raised will be donated to Amnesty International, an organization that fights for human rights.

Tour schedule

  • Sunday May 26 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Sunday May 26 at 2 p.m.
  • Monday May 27 at 5:30 p.m.
  • Friday May 31st at 5:30 p.m.

Recreate your own bed-in

In honour of the 55th anniversary of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s famous Bed-In for Peace in 1969, the famous hotel invites you to enjoy a stay at an exceptional rate in the famous suite 1742: stay in an iconic location where luxury meets history for $1969 until June 2, 2024.

Thank you to the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth and Ivanhoe Cambridge Team for the invitation to visit the John Lennon and Yoko Ono Suite of the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth.

To book the 1742 Suite, it’s here.

You can also visite the Nacarat bar on the ground level of the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth

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