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Nacarat, the quintessence of the cocktail in Montréal


If you ask me my best discovery in terms of bars in recent years, it is certainly Bar Nacarat at the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth in Montréal. Besides, I can’t believe that I haven’t written an article on this marvel (except its marvellous terrace (patio)). So I’m doing it now.

Nacarat : The new era of the Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth


Photo: Sébastien Dumont

Open since July 2017, I probably kept Nacarat a secret on this site since it is definitely one of my favourite places to go out in Montreal, and certainly in the best hotel bars in the country. A design like there are few. A project by Sid Lee Architecture with ideas of Peter Chase.


Old Fashioned, Amigos Cocktail
Photo: Sébastien Dumont

It is a team of star mixologists that Nader Chabane, director of the bar until 2019, has put together. We think of the manager Bonaventure Ouedraogo and the bar manager Nabil El Khattab who are still there. It is now the friendly Arnaud Bourdy who holds the position and manages this talented team.


Bonaventure Ouedraogo and Nabil El Khattab
Photo: Nacarat


Arnaud Bourdy, Nacarat Bar and Terrace Manager
Photograph: Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth

Luxury up to the cocktails

Nacarat is described by: “An atmosphere that draws its identity from the encounter between the glam rock era of Ziggy Stardust and the modernity of the 21st century. Sensual and sophisticated, the bar exudes the electrifying energy specifically to fiery evenings, hence its name designating shades of orange-red. Behind the counter, artists master liquids like chefs do with food.”


The Negronen
Photo: Nacarat

That’s really it. As soon as you enter Nacarat, you feel good. We sit at the bar, at one of the tables or on one of the comfortable benches and it all starts there. The menu is huge and there is something for all tastes, an evolving menu, and classics like the Negronen (served in a smoked glass prison) or the P’tit Louis will take you out of your comfort zone.


Photo: Sébastien Dumont

One thing that I love about Nacarat and that I am always offered cocktails that take me out of my routine. But the place itself is beautiful. It is designed to be a high-performance bar. Everything is in its place, everything is fluid, the mixologists are comfortable at their stations. It’s nice to be in a place where everything works and you can just enjoy your evening, not to mention that the people are wonderful, especially during the happy hour on Thursdays after office hours. Oh yes, the time before telework at Nacarat was something, and the encounters, memorable. Not to mention the terrace I’m talking about in this other article.


The Chai Tai
Photo: Sébastien Dumont

Le Nacarat, a place not to be missed for perfect cocktails and a fiery atmosphere, like its dominant color, orange… Do you think you’re having a long evening? Consider booking your room now. And for the next day, a stop at the Kréma café is a must.

Nacarat (inside Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth)

900 Boulevard René-Lévesque W.
Montréal, QC
H3B 4A5

Visit the Nacarat website for a reservation

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