How to become a gentleman – An introduction

While our motto at Gentologie is to “Turn all men into gentlemen,” it is essential, before explaining how to become a gentleman, to establish what a gentleman is, and that is certainly more complex than passing the GO box to Monopoly. Follow us in this series that will try to demystify the gentleman and give you the resources to become one and answer the question we often have: “How to become a gentleman?”
How to become a gentleman? Endless definitions, but a starting point.
To define what a gentleman is, it is important to look at different sources, here and elsewhere. Why? Because the different determinations of the word are certainly not the same here and elsewhere. Our publisher and editor in chief asked five women a few months ago what it meant to them to be a gentleman. But to take our thinking even further, we also asked a multitude of women on social networks for their definitions. Of all these women, many of whom regularly visit our site (thank you ladies), none had the same definition. But what is interesting is that they all had commonalities in their various explanations, which still makes an excellent starting point for our research.
The latter told us, in their own way, that a gentleman is a man must, yes, have good manners and dress well, but it is really on the next points that they really emphasize, the latter will have to put the others before him and respect others including women, regardless of the situation. We might think that it is the elegance and its style dressed to the nines which take precedence then it is a completely different aspect which prevails.
We have therefore decided that it’s the best period to produce this series of articles on different points, which will continue for as long and as long as we have topics to share with you. Because the latter are infinite when one wants to try to determine what a gentleman is. These actions can happen as much at the wheel of a magnificent car, much like the ones we present to you from time to time, as much as in the best way to have a perfect evening at the restaurant, whether it is the way of using utensils, managing your phone, your alcohol or conversations with the person accompanying you. In short, the topics are limitless.
We will begin this series with our first article which will be online this soon. You will also find all the articles on this page.
In the meantime, start with the website of the International Women’s Day.