How to be a gentleman at Christmas

It’s certainly easy to get out of hand during the holiday season. As the alcohol gets into the swing of things and we see people in our family who don’t all share the same opinions as us on various subjects. That’s why we thought we’d make you (and ourselves) this little guide on how to be a gentleman at Christmas.
Before the celebrations

Photo: The Groom Industries
It is important to be well prepared and to manage your time. How long it will take you to take your shower or bath, the time to wash your face (we recommend Groom’s products) and apply different creams, to be well shaved (look at yourself well in the mirror), to comb your hair, don’t forget the deodorant, the perfume, to cut your nails well if you haven’t had a manicure in the previous days. In short, don’t neglect anything. Don’t forget a gift for the guests, it’s the least you can do.
Choose your clothes carefully

James Bond arriving in London in its Tom Ford Prince of Wales Grey suit with the Aston Martin V8 in No Time To Die
Photo : © 2021 DANJAQ, LLC et MGM. All right reserved.
If you know that everyone present will be wearing jeans, don’t wear the tuxedo, but still be chic. A nice cashmere sweater over the shirt. Or a shirt with a jacket will be perfect. Or if it’s a bit colder, a big wool pullover, but still classic. Forget the “ugly sweaters,” it’s not very gentlemanly. Don’t forget your shoes, you don’t want to be in stocking feet when there will probably be a mess at the party, you can put them in a heat bag, so they won’t be cold when you arrive. Feel free to bring a small jacket or extra jumper if you think you might be cold. The latter can also be for the person accompanying you who is always cold. Also, given the difficult conditions at the moment, pack a small bag in case you can’t leave the same evening, just in case.
How to be a gentleman at Christmas: Before leaving

Photo: Mercedes-Benz
Warm up the car, unless it’s electric, which won’t do any good as the ignition is on immediately. Clear the snow, de-ice the windows, scrape the entrance so as not to get stuck (if you hadn’t done so earlier). Don’t forget the gifts.
On the way

Credit: Arctic Media
Drive carefully, look at your route, use a GPS. Don’t text or take pictures while driving, it’s irresponsible and dangerous. You want to get to your festivities alive. Keep your eyes on the road. You can also take public transport or a taxi. All choices are good.
When your arrive

The Antonius caviar is an excellent host gift
Photo: Antonius Caviar
Take off the coat of the person accompanying you and take care of it. Take the shoes out of the bag. Ask the host what to do with the gifts and coats, and don’t be afraid to offer your help. Then give the gift to the hosts. Make sure it is the right time to give it. Find out how the evening will go and how the drinks work. Try to see where you will be seated.
How to be a gentleman at Christmas: During the party
Ask the hosts if they need help with the service. Don’t impose, you are not at home (unless you are the host). In order to know how to use the utensils properly and in the right order, we have made a little guide perfect for this. Don’t hesitate to serve wine to people who are too far away to reach the bottles, by asking them first, of course.
When we’re at the table and there’s a lot of alcohol, sometimes things get heated. And we are persistent. This happens in the best families. Try to argue by not interrupting the person [in turn], by not diminishing them, and by not contradicting them. Don’t pull out your phone to prove a point. By the way, the phone should remain closed all evening except for the photo function. Do not use the phone at the table.
Don’t forget to drink water. Moderate drinking is certainly easier said than done. If you drink too much, remember not to drive at the end of the evening.
Also, don’t ask people if they are in a relationship or not, it’s always awkward, especially if the person has just come out of a relationship and you don’t know. If they want to talk about it, they won’t mind saying so.
During the gifts giving
You’re not six and a half years old anymore, you can wait to get your presents. Think of the younger ones who still believe in Father Christmas, and don’t be that person who breaks the myth. Don’t be shy about helping the younger ones put their presents together if they ask you to, you can offer yourself too, they might find you fun and cool.
The digestive

Photograph: Rémy Martin
Still thirsty or hungry? Wait until it is offered, it usually comes pretty quickly. If you’ve been told to help yourself on arrival, that’s another matter, but don’t take the most expensive bottles in the bar unless they’re offered.
Again, consume in moderation. Temper your comments and turn your tongues more than once before speaking. Anyway, you get the idea. No one wants a family squabble with people we’ve seen too little of in recent years.
How to be a gentleman at Christmas: The end of the evening
Thank everyone, especially the host. Write down the contact details of people you haven’t seen in a while, send them a note in the next few days and put them on your list for a Christmas card for next year. If you don’t think you’re up to driving (you probably aren’t), call a taxi or Operation Red Nose to get you around, no one wants the evening to end in disaster.
Before sleeping
Have a big glass of water and go to bed. Have you eaten too much? Take a mineral water, you will need it for the next few evenings.
On this, Happy Holidays!