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Gentologie Magazine Issue 5: An Era in Evolution

The Gentologie Magazine Issue 5

The theme of Gentologie Magazine No. 5, Evolution, appears as a reflection of the period in which we find ourselves. It’s a harder time for some, while it’s easier for others. But no matter who we are, we have to change, evolve. You can’t just sit there and see things the same way. So after Adaptation in Issue 4, here is Evolution in Issue 5.

Gentologie Magazine Issue 5

This is what we observe in this Issue  5 of Gentologie. As Fromagerie de l’Isle adds online transactions to its points of sale, as BMW adopts the digital key, as Cadillac and Beau Lake are going electric, as W Montréal is reshaping the way it welcomes its guests, that the Holt Renfrew Ogilvy opens a new high-end Café, PlayStation presents an innovative console. In short, nothing is like before. A special thanks to our collaborator et interviewees: Marc Bouchard , Jean-Daniel Perron, Michel Koopmann, Jessica Harnois, Maximiliano Vallée Valletta, Ronald Georges, Charles Boissonneau, Gabrielle Boland, Christina Poon, Daniel R Leduc, Philip Dauchy, Mike DeMelo, Aniefre Essien, Barbara Pitblado, Claude Boileau et those I forget.

Comin Back to Normal

Even the way we consume alcohol is changing, we’re trying to be more local, but we still face a hard time speaking out about what it’s to be local. Our wine and spirits specialists are attempting to answer this thorny question of Drink Local, while Quebec products are exploding at the SAQ, however, is it still the right thing…

We try to get back to a normal pace, but everything appears to be going too quickly or not enough, to some people’s liking. This is without forgetting the various social movements that have gained momentum, starting with “Black Lives Matter” followed by denunciations that have scarred Quebec’s cultural and media environnement, and it doesn’t seem to want to stop.

The way we behave must change, obviously for the better. And that’s the same for everyone, me included, I’m not perfect, like all of you. Nobody is, we all make mistakes, but we learn from them and, of course, as a result, we evolve…

Take a New Direction trough Evolution


Gentologie will evolve over the next few months. I would love to present a paper version to you this fall, but for that I will need you all. Financially, it is not alone that I will be able to make this project alive, we need more subscribers, more writers (which I will eventually pay when the income is higher), more readers and followers on our digital platforms , more sharing of our different articles, more magazine sales, more advertisers, in order to reach more people.

Speaking of people, we want to open our borders, always talking to gentlemen, we will speak to all horizons, all orientations, all colors, we will be more positive too. Because deep down, a gentleman is a human, and the humans under their skin are all the same … We evolve in order to become a reference, in what we do and to educate others. Already, we have put more diversity in the lastest edition by giving a voice to women and people of color. We want to put this aspect to the fore even more.

Want to help us accomplish our mission? Get the latest Gentologie magazine. Want to join our small independent team and give us your views on how gentlemen should evolve? It’s this way.

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