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Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and Nespresso Coffee

Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and Nespresso Coffee

When you have just purchased the brand new Nespresso Holiday Collection, here is a superb recipe for Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and Nespresso Coffee to make with the collection’s coffees! The alcoholic coffees stand out, in moderation we get along! So that’s why we offer this easy recipe to make with Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream (yes yes a Bourbon cream) and Nespresso. The recipe is really simple!

A Bourbon cream, yes, it’s really delicious and very different from Bailey’s even if the latter is a bit close. The bourbon taste is very present and trying not to finish the bottle will remain a challenge!

A small coffee made from Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream and Nespresso

Bourbon Cream and Nespresso

Photo: Normand Boulanger for Gentologie

For this recipe, we took Nordic Black coffee from the new Nespresso Variations Nordic 2019 Collection, it’s very Christmas, but it also keeps the taste of Bourbon Cream very well.

Ingredients for the whipped cream


  1. In a very cold bowl, whip cream, Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream or maple sugar and vanilla essence until thick.

Ingredients for the coffee

  • 2 capsules of Nordic Black Nespresso Original Coffee (or 1 Vertuo capsule)
  • 2 ounces of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream
  • 100 ml milk, I use Natrel lactose free
  • Crushed Christmas Candy Canes (to taste)
  • Melted chocolate (for decoration)


  1. Froth your milk like you are doing for a cappuccino
  2. Pour coffee and milk into a tall glass
  3. Add the whipped cream
  4. Decorate as you wish with the candy canes and the chocolate
  5. Enjoy in good company in front of the tree or the fire
Bourbon Cream and Nespresso - Bottle

Photo: Normand Boulanger for Gentologie

Want to know more about Buffalo Trace, read our interview with Drew Melville in the Gentologie Holiday Magazine Issue 2

Founder & Editor In Chief of Gentologie

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